Red Bull Event Proposal
A project I designed and presented to Nicole Gruber-Gil Lopez, Head of Acquisitions and Rights Holder Management at Red Bull Media House.

Analyse Red Bull’s portfolio
Identify gaps
Define Gen Z and describe their media habits
Identify 5 potential ideas
Expand on one idea
Course: Sports Media and Public Relations (Ramon Llull University – Barcelona, Spain)
The Pitch

To start, we covered what Red Bull meant to us. What are some of the first words that come to mind when we think of Red Bull? Outrageous, memorable, international, bold, smart, etc. are all key components to the brand. From here, we dove into a few stats related to the Gen Z audience that is makes up a large portion of Red Bull’s demographics.

As a group, we brainstormed a five separate ideas, including our final proposal.
To keep it short, we thought of an extreme parachuting series, a jet going through/near historic landmarks, a dirt bike event in the Coliseum, and an extreme space stunt.
What eventually stuck was our idea to name our event Red Bull Maestros. This omnisports relay would be used as an event to celebrate the organization’s 40th anniversary. It would be held at a location in the United States in 2027, which would be a perfect gap year between the 2026 World Cup and the 2028 Olympics. We planned to employ several Red Bull sponsored athletes to participate in the relay. Examples of athletes being Neymar Jr, Max Verstappen, Loic Meillard, Kjeld Nuis, etc.

Our target audience for this event matches Red Bull’s overall target audience for their consumers. Young, active individuals who are regular consumers of sports that are looking for a unique experience. By focusing on media platforms that offer “snacking” forms of entertainment to consumers (TikTok and Instagram) would be key to an event like this.
A few thoughts we had in terms of Media and PR Implications were that we could create a mini-docu series, capturing the athlete’s lives before, during, and after the event; we start on online video contest for different prizes; free merch for attendees; meet and greet with fans and athletes; free Red Bull supply for lucky winners.
At the end of the day, no matter the event, no matter the athlete, no matter how crazy the stunt, it’s always about the can, and we kept this in mind while developing our pitch.

On top of the original logo I created for our event, I made a few others that contain different names that could potentially be used.
Any Questions?
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